Saturday, February 14, 2009

Waves - Crashing down on You, and Me!

Just yesterday I was lamenting, what can I do to take a stand and low and behold, just thumbing through the March New Era, I find a young boy who is doing just that and making a big impact! It is so exciting to me!

McKay Hatch founded the "No Cussing" Club. The article caught my interest so I googled him and WOW! I was impressed with what he has accomplished and his courage to keep doing what he is doing. (Check out his Jay Leno interview!)

Check out his website: You will be impressed I guarantee!

Also, I found and posted another song performed by him, called Waves that supports his goal of making the world a better place.

WARNING - supervise your kids checking out No Cussing videos and comments on You Tube. There are some really bad people out there who are really reacting negatively to this. He has even had death threats against him and his family. Does this slightly remind you of the strange hatred that existed in other cultures between good and bad?